validation engineering

Every innovation is different, every project is different.

So are their challenges.

INDEV Mobility is dedicated to project management and test facilities for development and validation engineering.

Powertrain technologies for all mobility types are our core business : automotive, off-road, railway, naval, heavy duty, light mobility, etc.

We cover the new energies for mobility : hybrid, electric, hydrogen technologies…

Nous intervenons sur les nouvelles énergies de la mobilité : hybride, électrique, technologies hydrogène… INDEV Mobility est spécialisé dans la conduite de projets et la mise en oeuvre de moyens de validation expérimentaux. Notre coeur de métier, ce sont les technologies du powertrain, pour toutes les mobilités : automobile, off-road, ferroviaire, maritime, poids lourds, mobilité légère, etc.

we connect
your challenges ...

... to our services

We connect your challenges to our services

powertrain & energy projects

INDEV Mobility supports all project steps with validation engineers and high project management skills.

early step

> Consulting for project evaluation : budget, schedule, risks assessment
> Suppliers, partnerships and missing technology sourcing

Coordination de la fabrication et mise en oeuvre du concept, déverminage des prototypes, définition et pilotage des essais de démonstration

> Prototyping and assembly coordination
> Prototype commissioning
> Demo tests specification and management

proof of CONCEPT


> Project and suppliers management
> Technical support on-site : test benches, development vehicles
> Results analysis
> Decision making support

> Development to operation link
> In-use studies: usages, reliability, customer experience
> Data collection in operation


test facilities projects

Nous apportons notre expertise dans la mise en oeuvre de vos propres moyens d’essais et de validation.

INDEV Mobility brings its expertise in test benches operation and installation to support your own test facilities projects.

  • Test benches specification
  • Project management
  • Commissioning coordination
  • Validation tests
  • Operation management consulting

validation engineering

Every innovation is different, every project is different.

So are their challenges.

INDEV Mobility is dedicated to project management and test facilities for development and validation engineering.

Powertrain technologies for all mobility types are our core business : automotive, off-road, railway, naval, heavy duty, light mobility, etc.

We cover the new energies for mobility : hybrid, electric, hydrogen technologies…

we connect
your challenges
to our services

We connect your challenges to our services

powertrain & energy projects

INDEV Mobility supports all project steps with validation engineers and high project management skills.

early step

> Consulting for project evaluation: budget, schedule, risks assessment
> Suppliers, partnerships and missing technology sourcing

proof of CONCEPT

> Prototyping and assembly coordination
> Prototype commissioning
> Demo tests specification and management


> Project and suppliers management
> Experts coordination
> Technical support on-site: test benches, development vehicles
> Results analysis
> Decision making support


> Development to operation link
> In-use studies: usages, reliability, customer experience
> Data collection in operation

test facilities projects

INDEV Mobility brings its expertise in test benches operation and installation to support your own test facilities projects.

  • Test benches specification
  • Project management
  • Commissioning coordination
  • Validation tests
  • Operation management consulting